What they DON'T tell you on prep groups!

This is a blog of the things we have learned as a new adoptive Mum and Dad to three children under the age of five. For 'Mum' you can read 'Dad' and 'parent'. It is also a record of some of the things no-one told us on the prep groups. Some of it is what children get up to in general and some of it is adoption-specific. Regardless, it should be an interesting read for any parent, prospective and adoptive. Feel free to add your comments, which I shall publish.

3 Jan 2011

Being an adoptive Mum is...

...crying when you are ironing (yes I have been know to switch on an iron!) their name tags into their school uniform 10 days after they have moved in and bawling like a little baby the next morning when you drop them off at school because you have had them five minutes and then you have to let them go so soon

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