What they DON'T tell you on prep groups!

This is a blog of the things we have learned as a new adoptive Mum and Dad to three children under the age of five. For 'Mum' you can read 'Dad' and 'parent'. It is also a record of some of the things no-one told us on the prep groups. Some of it is what children get up to in general and some of it is adoption-specific. Regardless, it should be an interesting read for any parent, prospective and adoptive. Feel free to add your comments, which I shall publish.

8 Jan 2011

Being an adoptive Mum is...

...not being able to help laughing at Daddy chasing after one of the kiddies balloons that blew away whilst getting in the car.  Especially when we put it back in the car and before we could close the door another gust of wind took it through the boot and off again and he had to chase after it all over again.  Tears in my eyes :D

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